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We Want To Have a Baby: Tips For Married Couples Trying To Conceive

If you're married, the chances are that you have at least thought about having children some day. If not, that's okay. It's not God's will for everyone. However, if you and your spouse have discussed having children, prayed about it and want to conceive, listen up...

Many married couples are surprised that having a baby, especially over the age of 35, take a lot of work, scheduling and blessing. My wife, Mecca, and I consulted with some of the top doctors in the country, did the research and are blessed to welcome another blessing to our household later this year.

Here's the truth. It took work. I had to make sure I had virility, to be in the mood relative to her ovulation cycle, able to keep the experience erotic and romantic even though we were on a schedule (waaaay easier said than done), deal with some frustration when we thought the process wasn't working and support one another through the process.

We laugh about it now but we actually had discussions and creative innovations (lol) about how to find the mood relative to the exact time she was ovulating. I'm sorry but it is difficult to be freaky on demand sometimes (don't laugh couples) and be on the same page. There were many nights I had to shake off fatigue, irritability, an upset stomach, and being on different wavelengths to make this happen. Hey, ovulation cycles wait for no one.

There were even times were I felt like she was focusing on having a baby versus catering to my intimacy needs (which was actually on in my head) but we worked it out. How? We talked about it...days before making love of course. As you can imagine, that is not ideal bedroom talk for romance. We had to find a groove to be romantic and productive at the same time. Couples, I think you get this.

We also had to initially work through my hesitancy to add to the family but we struck a very nice deal! She listened to my needs around retirement, parenting roles, finances and we were able to get on one accord. It didn't take one conversation either and we were at odds for months until prayer, counseling and relentless communication allowed us to find a happy medium.

Next, all we had to do was make sure that we were both had virility and fertility and able perform on schedule which I discuss in this video. How many of you know that OBGYNs can tell you the exact days and times you need to be intimate to significantly increase the chances of pregnancy with really good predictability. Science is amazing! This is why we both advocate for men staying in premium shape and single women (or even married women) freeze their eggs to give themselves the best chance at pregnancy later in life. Ask your primary care physician and/or OBGYN about this one.

We also prayed that God would bless us because getting pregnant is never guaranteed. For couples who need inspiration to hold on and have patience. This was a five year process for us (four years of me disagreeing and then a few months to get results). It takes time, stamina, discipline, communication and love to make this happen but God is faithful.

I know many of you were blessed to just conceive. That is a blessing but those couples who struggle to conceive initially or to expand their family (this is our third child in total), we pray this blog and video blesses you.


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