Help! I'm Dating A Commitment Phobic. What's the Problem? Part 3 (Character)
Scenario #3- Commitment is not the issue, his “character-man” is. Your king could be very much in love with you, yet hesitate on...
Help! I'm Dating A Commitment Phobic. What's the Problem? Part 2 (Money)
Scenario #2- Commitment is not the issue, money is. If your man treats you well, is emotionally open to getting married but tells you...
How To Spice Up Your Marriage Outside the Bedroom
Marriage is a verb not just a noun. So, you must take action to keep your marriage spicy. Here are some tips on how to spice up your...
Are You A Discount Lover? How Being Too Nice In Relationships Lowers Your Value Like Used Clothes
My audience for this post is anyone who has a habit of being “too nice” in relationships. By experience, this group is usually reserved...
Couples Who Fight: Four T's To Save Your Marriage NOW!
The doctors worked feverishly in panic. Seven years ago when it was born, it was healthy, vibrant, and full of life but now it was fading...
THE RING FORMULA: How Women Take Charge of Not Being Single Any Longer!
Ladies, Get Your RING Fingers Ready! (Excerpt From Dr. Tartt's The Ring Formula) “Completing a test is always easier when you have the...
Tell Us How To Find Happiness Using God & Happiness Zones (Dr Tartt Answers)
Watch this quick video about how you can find happiness and peace of mind by reading the Word of God daily and finding your happiness...
What Men Need To Do To Make Women Happy In Relationships- You Better ROCK!
I know, are always telling women what they need to do to make marriages and relationships better and you are sick of it! What...