Key To Finding a Husband or Wife...Access (Are You Even Trying?)
Singles Question: If we agree that dating begins with meeting you give potential suitors a realistic chance to meet you? The key
Help! I'm Dating A Commitment Phobic. What's the Problem? Part 2 (Money)
Scenario #2- Commitment is not the issue, money is. If your man treats you well, is emotionally open to getting married but tells you...
Help! I'm Dating A Commitment Phobic. What's the Problem? Part 1(Wasting Time)
Like most things, dating takes skill. So, let’s get your dating IQ as high as possible about what your man might be thinking so that you can
How To Spice Up Your Marriage Outside the Bedroom
Marriage is a verb not just a noun. So, you must take action to keep your marriage spicy. Here are some tips on how to spice up your...
Are You A Discount Lover? How Being Too Nice In Relationships Lowers Your Value Like Used Clothes
My audience for this post is anyone who has a habit of being “too nice” in relationships. By experience, this group is usually reserved...
How To Fight Fair In Relationships
Do You & Your Better (Worse) Half Argue Too Much? Does your relationship suffer a conversational heart attack over arguing too much with...
Heart 2 Heart With Dr. Tartt Is a HIT!!!
Heart 2 Heart With Dr. Tartt: Real Issues. Real People. Real Talk When God shows you a dream or a vision for your vision, believe it! God...